Our bodies make
several different immunoglobulins (Ig), also known as antibodies, which bind to
microbes in order to neutralize them or tag them for other immune cells to deal
A food allergy is
when the body has an immune response to a food protein. This reaction is due to the
immunoglobulin IgE. A food intolerance can be the immune response of the
immunoglobulin IgG or sometimes a lack of certain enzymes needed to properly
digest food. An IgG reaction is
also an immune response to a food protein, but the term ‘food allergy’ is
reserved for IgE reactions.
Food Allergies

have reactions to all sorts of substances including medications, dust mites, seafood, grass and pollen. The most common test for this is a skin prick test where small scratches are made on the skin and small amounts of different allergens are applied. This gives results in 10-20 minutes so they can be discussed immediately. People are often able to self-diagnose food allergies due to the immediacy of the reaction. One theory explaining the rise in food allergies is that we are not often exposed to worms leaving IgE with nothing to do.
Food Intolerance
IgG is the main immunoglobulin
in the body and protects the body against viruses, bacteria and fungi. IgG is the only immunoglobulin that
passes the placental barrier providing protection to the fetus and also passes
into breast milk along with IgA.
Measurement of IgG is used to check for immunity to some viruses such as
measles, mumps and chicken pox.

If you think you
may have food allergies or intolerances it is important to see your naturopath
or other health care provider to ascertain the problem foods or substances so
they can be avoided and you can begin the journey to better health.