What are good bacteria?

What do good bacteria do?
The good bacteria
in our bodies have many functions.
They help our intestines digest and absorb nutrients, synthesize
vitamins and essential short chain fatty acids from soluble fibre, protect us
from infection and stimulate and regulate the immune system. If our body did not contain any good
bacteria we would be very sick and die within a few years.[i]
The digestive
tract contains 80% of the body’s immune system.[i] The good bacteria form a barrier in the mucosal lining
against microbes. Gaps can be
created in this layer when a person has a poor diet, especially one low in
fibre and high in processed foods and alcohol, antibiotics, stress (including from
excessive exercise in elite athletes), lack of sleep or infections. This leaves space for bad microbes to
take hold and cause illness.
Signs of deficient good bacteria
The digestive system is the cornerstone to good health. It is actually an external organ as it is exposed directly to elements from the outside world. It is where nutrients are absorbed as well as many pathogens. A poorly functioning digestive system can result in a wide range of symptoms. These may include increased infections, bloating, IBS, diarrhea, eczema, allergies, food intolerances, and autoimmune diseases.
What are probiotics?

If you think you
may need probiotics talk to your local naturopath. Although probiotics can treat some disorders, some symptoms
may return once supplementation is stopped if you don’t find the cause of your
[i] Plummer N. Dysbiosis and Disease: Ground
breaking new research into probiotics and their role in preventing treating
disease (unpublished lecture notes). FIT-BioCeuticals,
Ltd. Online. 2010
[ii] Koeman M. Conditions of the Breast (unpublished lecture notes).
Health Masters Live, online; lecture given 2013 Nov 12.
[iii] O’Flynn K. Cervical and Vaginal Conditions (unpublished lecture
notes). Health Masters Live, online; lecture given 2013 Nov 28.
Anilkumar K, Monisha AL. Role of friendly bacteria
in oral health - a short review. Oral
Health Prev Dent. 2012; 10(1):3-8.
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