Thursday, September 25, 2014

Confused About Pregnancy Supplements?

Beautiful pregnant woman in fieldIt is generally accepted that prenatal vitamins are important during pregnancy; most people find out they are pregnant and rush to the chemist or drugstore.  But if you are planning on getting pregnant, you should start taking those vitamins right away!  Your baby starts growing from the moment of conception so it is important to start many supplements before becoming pregnant.  For personalised pregnancy advice, check out my website for locations and give me a call:

Research has shown that women who did not take a prenatal vitamin for the 3 months prior to conception and the first month of pregnancy were twice as likely to have a child with an autism spectrum disorder.  The risk rose to seven times more likely when combined with genetic risk factors. It is unknown exactly why this is, however it may be due to folic acid and its effect on neurodevelopment.

Iodine is important for baby brain development so make sure the multivitamin you take contains iodine in the form of iodide.  A mother’s iodine deficiency in the first trimester can lead to a lower IQ and reading ability in the child at 9 years old.

Good gut bacteria has been shown to be important for all sorts of immune and digestive problems and it is also important for baby.  Taking a probiotic supplement during pregnancy lowers the risk of baby developing eczema after birth.  Make sure you take a good quality supplement with several different strains and billions of bacteria in each capsule.

Smart kids
Another important supplement to take during pregnancy is omega-3 fatty acids.  Supplementation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during the third trimester may increase the length of gestation by up to 8 days. DHA is also required for proper brain development and supplementation during pregnancy may improve mental development in children. To increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids eat more fatty coldwater fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, or trout or take a good quality fish oil supplement.  Avoid king mackerel, shark, swordfish and tuna due to their high mercury content.

When women become pregnant they are told there are many foods they should avoid but there are also certain foods women should make sure they eat. Consumption of wheat, dairy and peanuts during early pregnancy actually reduces the risk of children developing asthma, dermatitis and allergic rhinitis as they get older.

These are just a few supplements that are important for almost all pregnant women to take while pregnant. Everyone is different and you may require additional supplements before and after conception.  Talk to your local naturopath if you are thinking of getting pregnant so you can give your baby the best start possible!  Or check out my website and give me a call:

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