Hello Everyone!
I have decided to fancy up my blog and give it a new name.
You can now find my at http://behealthy.live
I will no longer be making new posts to this blog.
Thanks for following me so far and I look forward to seeing you at my new location!
Emily Zytaruk, ND
Naturopathic Doctor. Helping you be active and healthy throughout life.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Healthy Holiday Food & Drink Tips
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Is Caffeine Really Good for You?

Caffeine is one of the most common causes of health problems I see in practice. Excess caffeine intake manifests as many disorders such as:
- Chronic fatigue
- Headaches
- Weight gain
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Poor judgment
- Lowered mood
- Decreased ability to learn and retain information
- A higher risk of accidents and injury
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Heart palpitations
- Increased the risk of bladder cancer and osteoporosis
Because caffeine is a stimulant it can cause sleep disorders. It takes 6 hours for the body
to clear half the caffeine taken in. This means that at 10pm when you are trying to sleep there is still half the caffeine from that 4pm coffee in your system. This length of time increases with age and impaired liver function. Oral contraceptive use doubles it while pregnancy can triple it. Some medications can increase it by ten times. Due to the length of time it takes the body to clear caffeine, it should not be consumed after about noon, and some people may find they need to eliminate it all together to get a good sleep.
What is a safe amount of caffeine?
There are no standards for a safe limit of caffeine. Food Standards Australia New Zealand recommends no more than 3mg per kg of body weight. So for someone weighing 70kg this is 210mg per day. Most energy drinks have about 80mg so should be limited to two a day based on their caffeine content. They still contain all the sugar of soft drinks though so should be avoided. A Starbucks Grande coffee has 330 mg of caffeine so these should only be for special occasions.
Due to its addictive quality, stopping caffeine consumption can cause withdrawal symptoms including:
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Inability to concentrate
- Drowsiness
- Insomnia
- Pain in the stomach, upper body, and joints.
The benefits of caffeine are negligible so really it is best not to drink caffeine at all. If you must, only drink it in the morning. Children should never drink caffeine and teenagers, pregnant women and people on certain medications should limit their intake.
To see the caffeine content in your favourite drink check out this website:
Monday, November 16, 2015
Don’t Upset Your Microbiome
Last article I talked about how important all the bacteria
living in your digestive system are – your gut microbiome. They have many functions and without
them we can acquire many serious illnesses and diseases.
There are some things that disrupt our microbiome that we
don’t have much control over.
Caesarean sections save baby’s lives but this means that they don’t get
exposed to mother’s bacteria in the vaginal canal at birth. Formula has also saved lives but
formula does not expose the baby to mom’s healthy bacteria. When antibiotics are used correctly they
save many lives but these can wipe out a lifetime of healthy gut bacteria
leaving a very upset microbiome.
So how do you keep your little bacteria friends happy you
Eat fibre. Avoid
sugar. Eat lots of fruit and
veggies (with the skin on). This
provides great food for your microbiome as well as making sure everything keeps
moving. Bacteria don’t like it
when stool sticks around too long.
Sugar only helps to feed the bad bacteria so try to limit your intake.
Don’t eat preservatives. Preservatives are designed to kill and stop the growth of
bacteria, and that is just what they keep on doing inside your body. These pesky chemicals have only been in our diet for less than a century and they are wreaking havoc on our gut bacteria. Avoid products with preservatives listed. ‘Flavouring’ and ‘colouring’ are full of preservatives, which might not be listed separately on the label so avoid any products with these. Product labels only have to show ingredients that are higher than 10 parts per million, but many preservatives are very effective at even this low level. Keep in mind that food manufacturers are out to make money so they may lie on their labels (even if it is illegal). So if there is a product that doesn’t go off within a few days, don’t eat it!
Don’t eat preservatives. Preservatives are designed to kill and stop the growth of
bacteria, and that is just what they keep on doing inside your body. These pesky chemicals have only been in our diet for less than a century and they are wreaking havoc on our gut bacteria. Avoid products with preservatives listed. ‘Flavouring’ and ‘colouring’ are full of preservatives, which might not be listed separately on the label so avoid any products with these. Product labels only have to show ingredients that are higher than 10 parts per million, but many preservatives are very effective at even this low level. Keep in mind that food manufacturers are out to make money so they may lie on their labels (even if it is illegal). So if there is a product that doesn’t go off within a few days, don’t eat it!
Buy organic from the
dirty list. Pesticides are
also designed to kill.
Organophosphates have been banned in Europe and restricted in the US but
are still widely used in Australia.
These pesticides are linked to reduced IQ, weight gain, Type II
diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Children under 7 years old do not have the enzyme required to excrete
these chemicals from their little bodies so it just builds. The ‘dirty’ foods with the highest
pesticide residues in Australia are, in order, apples, wheat, strawberries,
pears, grapes, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, and tomatoes. To save money, buy these foods organic and
buy foods from the ‘clean’ list conventional. The ‘clean’ foods are onions, sweet corn, pineapple,
asparagus, sweet peas, mango, eggplant, kiwi and cabbage.
If you are worried about the state of your gut bacteria or
already have symptoms of an imbalance, taking a probiotic supplement may help.
The bacteria in your gut are very important to your health
and longevity. Be nice to them and
they will be nice to you. If you
have any questions, talk to your local naturopath.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
10% Human
I just can't stop talking about the importance of healthy gut bacteria. I borrowed the title for this article from
a book I have been reading by Alanna Collen. In it she discusses the importance of gut bacteria, also
known as your microbiome. The
title refers to the percentage of our bodies that are actually human
cells. Of all the cells we walk
around with each day, only 10% by number are actually our skin, blood, organs,
tissues, etc. The rest are mostly
bacteria with some fungi and viruses. Slowly science is realizing just how
important all these bugs in our body really are. In order for us to evolve, we have had to hire out some of
our essential functions. These
bacteria help break down plant fibers, fight off bad bacteria, create vitamin
B12 and shape the intestinal wall just to name a few. And in return we give them a nice place to live with lots of
food. But what happens when this symbiotic
relationship gets disrupted?
Most people think their gut is only for
digesting food, but in fact the digestive tract is the central area for the
nervous, hormonal and immune systems. This means that an imbalance in this area can have far
reaching, and seemingly unrelated, effects throughout the body.
Improper or lacking gut bacteria
(dysbiosis) are associated with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel
syndrome, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and food
intolerances. Any of these
problems can cause debilitating symptoms.
Several autoimmune diseases are also associated with dysbiosis. These include rheumatoid arthritis, MS,
Type I diabetes and lupus.
Our digestive tract and our little
bacterial friends play a role in regulating our mood. One of the functions of gut bacteria is to make
neurotransmitters such as GABA.
GABA is the calming chemical in the brain that decreases anxiety and
helps relieve anxious depression.
Therefore a lack of gut bacteria can lead to anxiety and depression. Gut bacteria are also involved in other
mental health disorders. A recent
study found that supplementing a baby with probiotics (supplement form of good gut
bacteria) decreased the incidence of ADHD when these children became teenagers.
Dysbiosis is also associated with autism, allergies,
eczema, asthma, some cancers and obesity.
And these are just the health problems we know of so far. Research is only just beginning to
understand the importance of the bugs that live in our digestive tract. Scientists keep looking for a genetic
cause for diseases because we have the technology to change some genes, at
least for the coming generation.
But most of these disorders didn’t exist 100 years ago. Human genetics have not changed that
fast. So that means something must
have changed in our environment and lifestyles.
Next article I will talk about what you
might be doing to upset your precious bacterial friends in your gut and how you
can keep them happy and working hard for you.
In the meantime be nice to your microbiome!
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Carrot Ginger Soup with Coconut Poached Chicken
I'm not usually one to share recipes but this one worked out so well I needed to share it. Delicious on a cold rainy day (like it is here today!). It will warm you up and even my kids ate it!
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
2 – 1 inch pieces of fresh ginger
3 large carrots (I also added a small sweet
3 cups stock (I used A.Vogel Herbamare
Bouillon Plantaforce)
2 Tbsp butter or coconut oil
1 can coconut milk
500g chicken breast – cut up into slices to
decrease cooking time
Cut up onion, garlic, ginger, carrot and
sweet potato. Carrot and sweet
potato can be in large pieces as they are going to be blended later. Put in a pot with the butter and cook until
onion is translucent. Add 2 cups
of stock and cook until tender.
Once cooked, blend until smooth.
I put it through my Vitamix but a stick blender is also useful.
While that is cooking put coconut milk and remaining
1 cup of stock in another pot and heat up. Add the chicken.
Cook until chicken is cooked through. Don’t let the coconut milk boil or it will separate.
Once the chicken is cooked, fish it out
with a slotted spoon. Poor the
remaining coconut milk/stock mixture into the carrot mixture until the desired
consistency is reached.
Take two forks and shred the chicken to
bite sized pieces. Add the chicken
back into the soup and you’re done!
Add a sprig of cilantro to serve if desired. I served it with homemade garlic bread. Mmmmmmm
Monday, November 10, 2014
Water, Water Everywhere
Our bodies are made up of over two-thirds
water. We need water for the
proper functioning of all systems of the body including creating saliva,
perspiration and joint fluids, moistening mucous membranes, dissolving and carrying
minerals and nutrients throughout the body and flushing out waste products. Our bodies are unable to store
water so we can only last for a few days without consuming it.
Some symptoms of dehydration include
headaches, fatigue, poor sleep quality, dark coloured urine, constipation, dry
mouth, dizziness, muscle cramps and dry skin. With chronic dehydration the body learns to adapt and
changes the point at which it asks for water. The less water you drink on a regular basis, the less water
your body will ask for.
The generally accepted rule is to drink 8
glasses that are 8 oz each or almost 2L.
If you exercise during the day than this amount needs to increase
depending on how much you sweat.
If you are exercising for longer than an hour, weigh yourself before and
after exercise to see if you have lost weight due to dehydration. If you weigh less after exercise, then
you need to drink more water. You
may also need to add an electrolyte supplement if you are sweating a lot.
If you consume caffeine during the day than
you also need to consume more water. Some people say you can count caffeinated
beverages toward water intake. I
strongly disagree. Caffeine is a
diuretic. This means it increases the amount of water excreted in your
urine. My general rule for
patients is if you drink a cup of a caffeinated beverage (coffee, tea, energy
drink, soft drink) than you need to drink a cup of water to compensate. This brings you back to zero and you
have to drink your 2L on top of this.
Alcohol is an even stronger diuretic and requires even more
compensation. Some medications
will also dehydrate you.
As mentioned your body adapts to being
dehydrated so you need to increase you intake slowly. Increase your intake each week by 250ml per day. Keep increasing until you get to 2L per
day after compensating for your caffeine intake. If you still have any of the above symptoms or your urine is
still not clear or light coloured, talk to your naturopath before increasing
more, as it is possible to drink too much water.
Some of your water intake comes from fruits
and vegetables especially high water content ones like watermelon or cucumber
but unless you are consuming these in large quantities I don’t count them. Juice is mostly water, but it also contains
lots of sugar so should only be consumed in small quantities. If you don’t like
the taste of water, add a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange. Consult your naturopath if you are on
any medications or have a kidney disease.
Start drinking water today and see the difference it makes!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Confused About Pregnancy Supplements?

Research has
shown that women who did not take a prenatal vitamin for the 3 months prior to
conception and the first month of pregnancy were twice as likely to have a
child with an autism spectrum disorder.
The risk rose to seven times more likely when combined with genetic risk
factors. It is unknown exactly why this is, however it may be due to folic acid
and its effect on neurodevelopment.
Iodine is
important for baby brain development so make sure the multivitamin you take
contains iodine in the form of iodide.
A mother’s iodine deficiency in the first trimester can lead to a lower
IQ and reading ability in the child at 9 years old.
Good gut bacteria
has been shown to be important for all sorts of immune and digestive problems
and it is also important for baby.
Taking a probiotic supplement during pregnancy lowers the risk of baby developing
eczema after birth. Make sure you
take a good quality supplement with several different strains and billions of
bacteria in each capsule.
Another important
supplement to take during pregnancy is omega-3 fatty acids. Supplementation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during the third trimester may increase the length of gestation by up to
8 days. DHA is also required for proper brain development and supplementation during
pregnancy may improve mental development in children. To increase your intake
of omega-3 fatty acids eat more fatty coldwater fish such as salmon, herring,
sardines, or trout or take a good quality fish oil supplement. Avoid king mackerel, shark, swordfish
and tuna due to their high mercury content.
When women become
pregnant they are told there are many foods they should avoid but there are
also certain foods women should make sure they eat. Consumption of wheat, dairy
and peanuts during early pregnancy actually reduces the risk of children
developing asthma, dermatitis and allergic rhinitis as they get older.
These are just a
few supplements that are important for almost all pregnant women to take while
pregnant. Everyone is different and you may require additional supplements
before and after conception. Talk
to your local naturopath if you are thinking of getting pregnant so you can give
your baby the best start possible! Or check out my website and give me a call: www.natactive.com.au
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Fertility. Not just for women!

The place to start is to abstain from alcohol
and quit smoking. Male alcohol
consumption, especially one month before conception, increases the risk
miscarriage and not achieving a live birth.[i] Alcohol effects sperm quality possibly
due to a lowering of testosterone.[ii] The effects
of alcohol on sperm begin to reverse when intake is ceased which is why it is
important to stop a few months before conceiving. It is also very important to
quit smoking a few months before conception as smoking reduces sperm production
and motility and increases DNA damage.[iii]
Being overweight can have a significant
effect on fertility. Being overweight is associated with infertility, decreased
sperm concentration, decreased sperm motility and increased DNA damage. There is also a very strong
relationship between obesity and erectile dysfunction. [iv]
Of course I can’t forget to mention
exercise. Moderate physical
activity for one hour at least three times a week shows significant benefits on
sperm morphology.[iv]
There are also several supplements that
have been shown to improve male fertility. A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids is correlated with
decreased sperm motility.[v] Sperm
quantity can be increased with increased fish oil intake.[vi]
To ensure sufficient intake eat
more fatty coldwater fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, or trout or take a
good quality fish oil supplement.
Avoid king mackerel, shark, swordfish and tuna due to their high mercury
content. High blood mercury levels are associated with abnormal semen.[vii]
Zinc is essential for male hormone
metabolism, sperm formation and sperm motility. Zinc deficiency can lead to decreased testosterone and low
sperm count levels. Zinc supplementation has been found to improve these
Vitamin C also improves semen quality while vitamin E reduces oxidative damage
and improves motility.[iv] Sperm
motility and morphology are improved with coenzyme Q10 supplementation.[ix]
A diet high in fruits and vegetables is
associated with improved semen quality.
This may be due to an increased antioxidant intake.[iv] A pre-conception “Mediterranean” type
diet by couples has been associated with increased conception success.[x]
There are many factors that effect male
fertility. If you are planning on
conceiving, talk to your local naturopath to get personalized advice. Start getting healthy at least three
months before conceiving. This
will give you the highest chance of success and give your baby the best start.
[i] Klonoff-Cohen H, Lam-Kruglick P, Gonzalez C. Effects of maternal and paternal alcohol
consumption on the success rates of in vitro fertilization and gamete
intrafallopian transfer. Fertility and Sterility. 2003 Feb; 79(2): 330-339.
La Vignera S, Condorelli RA,
Balercia G, Vicari E, Calogero AE. Does alcohol have any effect on male reproductive
function? A review of literature. Asian
J. Androl. 2013 Mar; 15(2):221-5.
Mostafa T. Cigarette
smoking and male infertility. Journal
of Advanced Research. 2010 July; 1(3):179-186.
Sharma R, Biedenharn KR, Fedor
JM, Agarwal A. Lifestyle factors and
reproductive health: taking control of your fertility. Reprod Biol Endocrinol.
2013 July 16; 11: 66.
Comhaire FH, Mahmoud A. The role of food
supplements in the treatment of the infertile man. Reprod. Biomed. Online 2003 Oct-Nov; 7(4):385-91.
Safarinejad MR. Effect of omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on semen profile and enzymatic
anti-oxidant capacity of seminal plasma in infertile men with idiopathic oligoasthenoteratospermia:
a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised study. Andrologia 2011 Feb; 43(1):38-47.
Choy CM, Lam CW, Cheung LT, Briton-Jones CM, Cheung LP, Haines CJ. Infertility, blood
mercury concentrations and dietary seafood consumption: a case-control study. BJOG. 2002 Oct;109(10):1121-5.
[viii] Hunter P. Health Benefits of Zinc.
Bioceuticals Advanced
Clinical Insights, 2004; 5.
Safarinejad MR. Efficacy of Coenzyme Q10 on Semen
Parameters, Sperm Function and Reproductive Hormones in Infertile Men. The Journal of Urology. 2009 July;
Vujkovic M, de Vries JH,
Lindemans J, Macklon NS, van der Spek PJ, Steegers EA, Steegers-Theunissen RP. The preconception
Mediterranean dietary pattern in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic
sperm injection treatment increases the chance of pregnancy. Fertil. Steril. 2010 Nov; 94(6):2096-101.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Stay Healthy this Winter (and all year long)!
While it is
summer for all of you in the northern hemisphere, it is winter down
under which means cold and flu season has come around again. Although for those
of us with kids in daycare and school it seems that cold and flu season lasts
all year-round! Here are some helpful hints for keeping the whole family
healthy in winter and all year long.
![]() |
Image from http://macomblearningcenter.com |
stress is associated with a greater risk of depression, heart disease and
infectious diseases.[i] Take time out - exercise, garden,
meditate, whatever it is that helps you to relax.
What would one of my articles be if I didn’t mention exercise? Exercise is important for everyone. To
keep your immune system at its best you want at least a brisk 30-minute walk
each day. If you are an avid athlete
you also need to take care, as very high intensity exercise can put a strain on
your immune system.[ii]

Our bodies are composed of 70% water. Proper hydration is
important for the optimum functioning of all your body systems. Increase your
water intake slowly getting up to 2L per day.
Hot-Cold showers are an excellent way of improving your
immune system, increasing circulation and elevating energy levels. After
finishing your regular shower routine, do 20 seconds of cold and 1 minute of
hot. Alternate 2-3 times, ending with cold. The increase in circulation will also help decrease
sensitivity to the cold.
There are several supplements you can take to help boost
your immune system. Daily
zinc supplementation has been shown to shorten the duration and severity of the
common cold, reduce the incidence of acute lower respiratory tract infections
in preschool children by 45% and reduce the incidence of pneumonia by 41%.[iv]
Vitamin C is found in high concentrations in immune cells
and is quickly consumed during an infection. It is a natural antihistamine and has been found to reduce
the severity and duration of the common cold and upper respiratory tract
More than 80% of the body’s immune system is in the
digestive tract.[v] A lack of good bacteria in the digestive tract can cause a
reduction in the immune system allowing increased infections. Take a good quality probiotic to
prevent bad bacteria from taking hold.
Vitamin D has a
direct effect on the immune system. Vitamin D stimulates the production of
natural antibiotic proteins thus killing more bacteria. Insufficient levels are related to a
deficiency in our immune system to protect us against infections.
These are just a few suggestions. For personalized advice,
contact your local naturopath. Let's
stay healthy this winter!
Cohen S, Janicki-Deverts D, Doyle WJ,
Miller GE, Frank E, Rabin BS, Turner RB. Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance,
inflammation, and disease risk. PNAS, 2012 April 17; 109(16): 5995-5999.
Society for General
Microbiology. Couch potato or elite athlete? A happy medium keeps colds at bay(Internet).
ScienceDaily. 2012 January 5 (Retrieved 13 May 2012). Available from: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/01/120105112158.htm
[iii] Aiello AE, Perez V, Coulborn RM, Davis BM, Uddin M, Monto
AS. Facemasks, Hand
Hygiene, and Influenza among Young Adults: A Randomized Intervention Trial.
2012; 7 (1): e29744.
[iv] Hunter P.
Health Benefits of Zinc. Bioceuticals Advanced
Clinical Insights, 2004; 5.
[v] Plummer
N. Dysbiosis and Disease: Ground breaking new research into probiotics and their role in preventing
treating disease (presentation notes). FIT-BioCeuticals, Ltd. Online. 2010.
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